THE DE-TOX BOX (Far-Infrared Sauna)

The FAR-Infrared De-Tox Box uses naturally occurring far infrared rays that effectively detoxify the body from many toxins that we’ve accumulated through our environment. It may improve skin tone, assist in weight management and energise the body while relaxing the mind.


Far-infrared is a naturally occurring energy source that is emitted by every cell in the human body as well as the sun.

Radiant heat, known as infrared energy, is a form of energy that heats objects by a process known as conversion where heat is transferred directly to the body before heating the air. In an infrared sauna, less than 20% of the energy heats the air and 80% of the energy heats the body.

These heat waves penetrate the body’s tissues directly to a depth of 3.5cm and raising the core body temperature allowing you to draw out built-up toxins and waste through our largest organ the skin.

The infrared energy can induce up to 2 to 3 times the volume of sweat than in a traditional sauna at a safer and more comfortable temperature.

Gut Instincts Holistic Wellness Infrared Mill Park


Removing accumulated toxins:

As heat increases blood circulation, it energises the sweat glands and releases a build-up of toxins from the body’s cells. Sweating aids the body to rid itself of an accumulation of potentially carcinogenic heavy metals (lead, mercury, zinc, nickel, cadmium), as well as pesticides, alcohol, nicotine and cholesterol.

Rejuvenating skin tone:

Sweating expels deep impurities and dead skin cells, leaving skin with a healthy glow and feeling refreshed. Your body’s increased circulation draws your skin’s natural nutrients to the surface and improves skin tone, elasticity and pigmentation. Increased blood circulation has shown to relieve acne, eczema and psoriasis, as well as aid in the repair of wounds, burns and scarring.

Aiding in weight management:

As the body heats up, it is working hard to pump blood and produce sweat, which in turn burns calories. A single session in the De-Tox Box burns as many calories as a half hour jog, so you lose weight not just water. Of course, for peak physical and mental wellness, there is no substitute for exercise, but what a way to burn those additional calories whilst enjoying a warm and relaxing De-Tox Box session.

Enhancing the immune system:

An impressive benefit of the De-Tox Box is that can give the immune system a boost due to the high penetrable heat that causes an increase in core body temperature. This stimulates the production of the body’s white blood cells which help the body fight infection due to the artificially induced fever mimicking the body’s natural defence mechanisms. Sick and diseased cells cannot easily withstand high temperatures so the De-Tox Box is able to reproduce the natural healing response that our bodies use to keep healthy.

Clears Cellulite:

Exposure to FAR-Infrared rays of the De-Tox Box warm the body three times more than a conventional sauna which encourages the body to detoxify and get rid of fat as well as rebuild collagen connective tissue. By rebuilding the collagen and improve skin elasticity this improves the appearance and can reduce the accumulation of cellulite.

The De-Tox Box heat facilitates the release of toxins from adipose tissue, including the fat cells in cellulite. The increased circulation also delivers nutrient- and oxygen-rich blood to the skin. This improves skin’s health and overall appearance and can minimize the appearance of cellulite.

Relieves pain:

The FARInfrared deep heat can dilate blood vessels by providing them with oxygen and can provide relief and healing to muscle and penetrate soft tissue injuries to relieve aches and chronic pain such as arthritis. By delivering oxygen-rich blood to depleted muscles and tissues, it promotes quicker recovery with greater flexibility and range of motion.

Eases joint pain and stiffness:

Radiant heat therapy is a commonly used treatment of many forms of arthritis. It is also effective in easing the pain of sprains, neuralgia, bursitis, muscle spasms, joint stiffness as well as other musculoskeletal ailments.

Increases blood circulation and strengthens the cardiovascular system:

The Infrared heat is known to lower blood pressure in people with hypertension and improve cardiovascular function and lower cholesterol. The pulse jumps by 30% or more allowing the heart to nearly double the amount of blood it pumps per minute.


Dry brushing accelerates the detoxification process and will stimulate the lymphatic system to release inflammation, toxins and fat! Using a dry, natural fibre brush on the skin surface has a multitude of health benefits including :

  • Healthy and glowing skin.

  • Exfoliate dead skin
  • Improve lymphatic drainage

  • Reduce cellulite

  • Unblock pores
  • Decrease stress
  • Boost circulation

Combining the De-Tox Box with Colon Hydrotherapy along with good nutrition can help your body to eliminate toxic build-up to heal and rejuvenate naturally.

Book a detox package combining Colon Hydrotherapy and the De-Tox Box.

Gut Instincts Holistic Wellness Colonics Mill Park