“Detoxification is more important for anti-aging than nutrition.”

David Wolfe

Welcome your body back to balance with Colon Hydrotherapy at Gut Instinct Holistic Wellness

Colonic Hydrotherapy was historically used by the ancient Egyptians of the 14th Century BC in it’s basic form as an enema.

Fast-forward to 2024 and enema’s have evolved to different colonics systems. Our clinic uses a TGA and FDA approved open system, which means you get to relax and detox in peace and complete privacy. The Colon Hydrotherapy is self administered in a sterile yet soothing environment.

Our caring and highly trained therapists are certified by the Global Professional Association of Colon Therapists (GPACT) and nearby to ensure your full safety and comfort during your session.

The average person carries between 5–7kgs of compacted waste in the colon, which is about 1.2m long. The toxic waste sitting in the colon can block proper digestion and also be reabsorbed into the bloodstream, tissue and organs. This is called ‘auto-intoxication’ and provides the optimal habitat for parasites, bacteria and viruses to colonise.

Additional environmental toxins such as petrol fumes, synthetic spores and micro-plastics, chemicals and heavy metals in the air, food and water further weaken our system.

Colonic Hydrotherapy helps our body to flush out these wastes and toxins. It also stimulates the liver and lymphatic system to cleanse more effectively, assisting the body back to balance so it restores itself naturally. Combining Colon Hydrotherapy with the Infrared De-Tox Box and dry brushing may further assist your body to detoxify in a gentle and natural way.

The benefits of Colonic Hydrotherapy

Colon Hydrotherapy may help to ease a large range of digestive complaints including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), constipation, diarrhoea, gas and bloating. These conditions may be improved by increasing hydration and nutrient absorption and removing the bad bacteria that flourishes as a result of impacted waste in the colon.

Cleansing the colon prevents toxins from being reabsorbed into the blood stream. This alleviates the feeling of fatigue or sluggishness.

When the colon is heavily impacted with waste the natural peristalsis is limited. Over a long period of time this causes our colon to become ‘lazy’. Colon Hydrotherapy retrains the colon to function optimally, promoting strength and tone.

The primary functions of the colon are to eliminate waste and absorb water. During your colonic treatment water is gently infused into the colon where it can be absorbed and utilised efficiently.

Around 80% of our immune system resides within the gut. When the colon is cleansed we are creating a better environment for our good bacteria to flourish and build a strong immune system.

Lots of people find that once they get their digestion, absorption and elimination functions in order then weight loss becomes easy. Many of us have 5kg or more of waste impacted in our colons, Colon Hydrotherapy can help to clear that waste plus any bloating that may contribute to concerns.

When the colon isn’t functioning properly, toxins need to leave the body through alternate means, the skin. Once the colon is cleansed, the skin (and other elimination organs) are no longer burdened with excess toxins, reducing the likelihood of breakouts and rashes. Cleansing the colon also allows our good bacteria to flourish which can help to ease symptoms of eczema and psoriasis.

There is a very profound connection between the gut and the brain, in fact the gut of often referred to as the second brain! Restoring balance to the bacteria in our gut through colonics can help to boost your mood and create a sense of emotional wellbeing.

Colon Hydrotherapy can help to improve general brain function. If our colon is not functioning properly, often our brain isn’t either which can result in feelings of brain fog and poor concentration. Colon Hydrotherapy can also help to improve absorption of nutrients that are crucial to brain function.

Our Colonics System

Gut Instinct Holistic Wellness understand gut health and how to improve yours.

Our clinic holds the highest standards in Colonic Hydrotherapy with it’s “Angel of Water” Open System approved by both the TGA and FDA. We are the only colonic clinic in Melbourne and surrounding areas trained and certified for this system.

Our open system allows you to self-insert a pencil thin tube in complete privacy. Gravity fed, temperature regulated water then flows into your colon and hydrates it, dislodging compacted waste. We believe this allows for a much greater release as you relax in private.

Your therapist will always be close by if needed and can assist you with any questions or issues you may have during your treatment.

We understand professionalism, care, comfort and safety is important to you. This is the reason we have implemented the very best and most effective system with highly trained therapists to deliver you the ultimate gut health wellness.

Our FAQ page may also help with common questions –

Gut Instincts Holistic Wellness Colonics Mill Park